Yes you read that right! God has indeed blessed us with Baby #5! While the short story there is that Joel and I felt a conviction from early on not to prevent adding to our family and God decided now's the time, we all know I like the long version of stories. For the context of this one,
Gratitude Over Grumbling
Gratitude Over Grumbling
By Brandy
Philippians 2:14 -- Do everything without grumbling or arguing... Even as I type this in a silent room, I hear my kids say it loudly in my head. We spent a few weeks in the late winter memorizing this verse and talking through how we could actually apply it. My kiddos are rambunctious and ornery at times but
A Cup Given to Me
A Cup Given to Me
By Brandy
About a year ago we had our annual Women’s Conference at church and after spending a glorious weekend worshiping and learning and fellowshipping and praying, I really felt like God was encouraging my heart to “settle in.” If you followed my pregnancy updates or latest birth story at all you know that this last year and a half
Massey Ruth's Birth Story
Massey Ruth's Birth Story
By Brandy
Around this time last year we found out that our sweet surprise was indeed a girl and would even the Miller family count. It’s hard to believe that the tiny baby in that picture is who we now know as our lovely Massey Ruth. We’ve been snuggling her in our arms for 7 months now so it’s well
22 Week Update | Baby Miller #4
22 Week Update | Baby Miller #4
By Brandy
It's been an exciting few weeks around here as I hit 22 weeks today and a little over halfway to seeing this babe face to face. Two weeks ago our church celebrated 10 years since it's launch and it was so amazing to spend time reflecting on God's faithfulness to me personally and our church family over this
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Hi there! I'm Brandy, the writer and photographer here at A Sweet Aroma. I hope you find this space to be one of encouragement at transparency as I blog and photograph my way through this beautiful life.
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To the girl with baby on her Christmas list, I bet you feel like me this Christmas. You wish people would stop ...
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It had been about 9 months of trying when I first got the question. The one makes me have to pray for grace. The question itsel...
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